


  • 全家出游
  • 立即确认
  • 性价比高
  • 近地铁
  • 复式loft
  • 私家花园
  • 洗衣机
  • 免费取消
  • 可开发票
  • 可带宠物
  • 方便停车
  • 极速退款
  • 书桌
  • 冰箱
  • 自助入住
  • 允许聚会
  • 亲子房
繁花南京路/黄河路 独门独院/人民广场 上海站 /外滩/情侣闺蜜/近自然博物馆/长征医院/城隍庙/外滩/迪斯尼/四行仓库
亲爱的小伙伴,首先在这个中心地段,有独立院子的户型少,相同条件之下,亲民的价格只有我家哦!本着诚信做人,良心做事的初心、让您有一个舒适惬意放松的环境,近期又升级了家的环境,欢迎来到我的家!附近有停车场,外地牌照可以进!出门就是繁花的黄河路 走到“至真园”(苔圣园)四分钟,有小院一楼 loft,人民广场 国际饭店 南京东路近在咫尺 地铁一号线二、8号13 【位置】我家步行至杜莎夫人蜡像馆,国际饭店只需要5min 虽然我们不曾谋面,但我很乐意做您的朋友,做民宿的半年时间里可谓艰辛,碰见三次讹诈碰瓷的,住完之后随便找理由要求退房费,否则差评!其中有一女士为了白嫖几百元房费,竟然利用其小女儿,还事先准备了照片,对于这种人品恶劣的垃圾人坚决say no!曾经想过放弃,但相信人之初性本善,相信光!相信正义善良的人是大多数! 【户型功能】我房源有1张1.8双人床、1张1.5双人床 可供4人居住,希望您有个舒适的睡眠。适合家人和朋友出行 【尽享私密】房源配置智能密码锁,出入无需钥匙门卡,全程自助,给您安静的享受 【干净卫生】我们有专业的保洁清扫,让您住的安心有洗衣机,洗衣方便!冰箱 Dear friends, in order to provide you with a comfortable and relaxing environment, we have recently upgraded our home environment. Welcome to my home! There is a parking lot nearby, you can enter with a license plate from outside! Going out is the bustling Yellow River Road, where you can walk to "Zhizhen Garden" (Tesheng Garden) for four minutes. There is a loft on the first floor of the small courtyard, and the People's Square International Hotel Nanjing East Road is within reach. Subway lines 1, 2, 8, and 13 are also within reach 【 Location 】 My home is walking to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, and it only takes 5 minutes to reach the International Hotel [Special Services] We will provide you with luggage storage services [Unit Function] Our room has one 1.8 double bed and one 1.5 double bed for four people to live in. We hope you have a comfortable sleep. Suitable for family and friends to travel 【 Enjoy Privacy 】 The property is equipped with an intelligent password lock, which allows you to enter and exit without the need for a key or door card. The entire process is self-service, providing you with a quiet experience 【 Clean and hygienic 】 We have professional cleaning and upkeep to ensure your peace of mind. With a washing machine, laundry is convenient! refrigerator
4.6分整套 · 1室可住4~5人人民广场地区
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