


  • 超赞房东
  • 立即确认
  • 露台/阳台
  • 可开发票
  • 有电梯
  • 方便停车
  • 广州塔塔景
  • 近高校
  • 书桌
  • 冰箱
  • 观影
窗台正望广州塔小蛮腰绚丽夜景。双地铁:「广州塔」和「客村」地铁站步行15分钟!【整套独立公寓!非合租】 楼下还有[广州大桥底]公交站,坐旅游观光1线 公车20分钟(或者地铁5个站)可以直达琶洲会展中心A区。 广州塔步行15分钟。客村、TIT创意园步行18分钟。前往珠江夜游,琶醍酒吧风情街也很方便。 前往中山大学121路公交2站即到!楼下有很多共享单车可以代步哦~ 去长隆欢乐世界4个地铁站。 提供一套一次性用品。 本公寓是临江公寓,位于广州大桥南端,广州大道与滨江东路、阅江路交汇处;矗立于滨江东豪宅区运动休闲带东端,毗邻天河珠江新城商圈,尽览珠江美景及新电视塔、海心沙公园及新领事馆区;东面俯瞰琶洲会展中心,距之仅八分钟车程;临近二、三号线客村站,交通十分方便。 温馨的室内环境,配备舒适的大床和床垫,相信您一定会舒舒服服的睡个好觉!除此之外卧室还有空调、衣柜、挂墙液晶电视、免费wifi、以及独立的卫生间哦(24小时热水是妥妥的)!
4.9分整套 · 1室可住2~3人珠江南(河南)地区
  • 连住优惠
  • 全家出游
  • 超赞房东
  • 立即确认
  • 性价比高
  • 近地铁
  • 寄存行李
  • 洗衣机
  • 露台/阳台
  • 免费取消
  • 可开发票
  • 投影
  • 有电梯
  • 方便停车
  • 极速退款
  • 允许做饭
  • 书桌
  • 冰箱
  • 自助入住
【唯梵·如隽】{长租优惠}高德置地|天汇广场 花城广场|兴盛路美食街 两室两厅巨幕投影房
我们是一对作家及旅行达人,已经接待过全球100多个国家的客人,受到一致好评。我们希望能同样给您一段愉快的旅行。 We are a pair of writers and travel experts who have received guests from more than 100 countries around the world and received unanimous praise. We hope you will have the same pleasant trip. 高层阳光整套大公寓,特大双人床+厨房+独卫+CBD中的CBD。确保你独享私密又能与阳光微风作伴。 Sunshine independent apartment has a separate kitchen,bathroom, bay window to ensure you can enjoy enough privacy with sunshine and fresh breeze. 此房源户型有多套 以实际入住户型为准珠江畔珠江新城CBD核心区豪华大床房。广州塔、美国领事馆、广州大剧院、花城广场、广州金融中心近在咫尺;是珠江新城CBD中繁华地段。楼下美食酒吧街,2号唐厨,禄小凤等名食荟萃;豪华大床+厨房+卫生间+大飘窗窗,让您既享自由,又得便利;室内设备设施一应俱全;宽带已连接,并配备巨幕投影。您还能借阅作家房东自己创作的小说,希望您能度过每一个轻松快乐的夜晚。 A complete of apartments with 1 large rooms, which under the Canton tower by the pearl river, with a full-view of the river and excellent high-rise views, Canton tower and twin towers standing in front of you, just go downstairs. The bay window allows you to enjoy abundant sunshine and pleasant breeze. With independent kitchen, bathroom, all equipment and facilities could be offered. I provide free broadband network. Also, can borrow the novel written by the landlord. I just wish you can enjoy a relaxed and happy night spent in my house.   我们为您准备了品质洗浴用品、干净毛巾、拖鞋,提供VIP式服务,还配备全套中西餐具、炊具,让您远在异乡仍能享受居家烹饪之趣。 We offer you with high quality bath products, clean towels, slippers, Vip-style service be provided, Also equipped with a full set of Chinese and western tableware, cooking, so that you can still enjoy the fun of home cooking also complete set of Chinese and western tableware and kitchenware ,so that you can enjoy the home cooking in a foreign country. 房间位于广州核心商圈,与琶洲会展中心仅10分钟车程。仅需3分钟可步行至猎德地铁站,妇幼保健院、美领馆/高德置地/K11/北京路上下九/歌剧院,均可步行15分钟到达。是来粤旅行、工作、参展、学习、访友的理想住所。 The apartment is located in the core business district of Guangzhou, adjacent to sun yat-sen university, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou tower, Canton fair and Wuyang new city, Go south can quickly reach to the Changlong tourist resort, It is an ideal place to travel, work, exhibit, study and visit friends in Guangdong
5.0分整套 · 2室可住4~5人珠江新城/五羊新城商圈
  • 早鸟特惠
  • 天天特价
  • 连住优惠
  • 领券立减
  • 学生折上折
  • 超赞房东
  • 立即确认
  • 性价比高
  • 近地铁
  • 适合情侣
  • 寄存行李
  • 洗衣机
  • 免费取消
  • 可开发票
  • 有电梯
  • 方便停车
  • 极速退款
  • 允许做饭
  • 书桌
  • 冰箱
  • 自助入住
我们是一对作家及旅行达人,已经接待过全球100多个国家的客人,受到一致好评。我们希望能同样给您一段愉快的旅行。 We are a pair of writers and travel experts who have received guests from more than 100 countries around the world and received unanimous praise. We hope you will have the same pleasant trip. 高层阳光整套大公寓,特大双人床+厨房+独卫+CBD中的CBD。确保你独享私密又能与阳光微风作伴。 Sunshine independent apartment has a separate kitchen,bathroom, bay window to ensure you can enjoy enough privacy with sunshine and fresh breeze. 此房源户型有多套 以实际入住户型为准珠江畔珠江新城CBD核心区豪华大床房。广州塔、美国领事馆、广州大剧院、花城广场、广州金融中心近在咫尺;是珠江新城CBD中繁华地段。楼下美食酒吧街,2号唐厨,禄小凤等名食荟萃;豪华大床+厨房+卫生间+大飘窗窗,让您既享自由,又得便利;室内设备设施一应俱全;宽带已连接,并配备巨幕投影。您还能借阅作家房东自己创作的小说,希望您能度过每一个轻松快乐的夜晚。 A complete of apartments with 1 large rooms, which under the Canton tower by the pearl river, with a full-view of the river and excellent high-rise views, Canton tower and twin towers standing in front of you, just go downstairs. The bay window allows you to enjoy abundant sunshine and pleasant breeze. With independent kitchen, bathroom, all equipment and facilities could be offered. I provide free broadband network. Also, can borrow the novel written by the landlord. I just wish you can enjoy a relaxed and happy night spent in my house.   我们为您准备了品质洗浴用品、干净毛巾、拖鞋,提供VIP式服务,还配备全套中西餐具、炊具,让您远在异乡仍能享受居家烹饪之趣。 We offer you with high quality bath products, clean towels, slippers, Vip-style service be provided, Also equipped with a full set of Chinese and western tableware, cooking, so that you can still enjoy the fun of home cooking also complete set of Chinese and western tableware and kitchenware ,so that you can enjoy the home cooking in a foreign country. 房间位于广州核心商圈,与琶洲会展中心仅10分钟车程。仅需3分钟可步行至猎德地铁站,妇幼保健院、美领馆/高德置地/K11/北京路上下九/歌剧院,均可步行15分钟到达。是来粤旅行、工作、参展、学习、访友的理想住所。 The apartment is located in the core business district of Guangzhou, adjacent to sun yat-sen university, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou tower, Canton fair and Wuyang new city, Go south can quickly reach to the Changlong tourist resort, It is an ideal place to travel, work, exhibit, study and visit friends in Guangdong
5.0分整套 · 1室可住2~3人珠江新城/五羊新城商圈
  • 早鸟特惠
  • 天天特价
  • 连住优惠
  • 领券立减
  • 学生折上折
  • 超赞房东
  • 立即确认
  • 性价比高
  • 近地铁
  • 适合情侣
  • 寄存行李
  • 洗衣机
  • 免费取消
  • 可开发票
  • 有电梯
  • 方便停车
  • 极速退款
  • 允许做饭
  • 书桌
  • 冰箱
  • 自助入住
我们是一对作家及旅行达人,已经接待过全球100多个国家的客人,受到一致好评。我们希望能同样给您一段愉快的旅行。 We are a pair of writers and travel experts who have received guests from more than 100 countries around the world and received unanimous praise. We hope you will have the same pleasant trip. 高层阳光整套大公寓,特大双人床+厨房+独卫+CBD中的CBD。确保你独享私密又能与阳光微风作伴。 Sunshine independent apartment has a separate kitchen,bathroom, bay window to ensure you can enjoy enough privacy with sunshine and fresh breeze. 此房源户型有多套 以实际入住户型为准珠江畔珠江新城CBD核心区豪华大床房。广州塔、美国领事馆、广州大剧院、花城广场、广州金融中心近在咫尺;是珠江新城CBD中繁华地段。楼下美食酒吧街,2号唐厨,禄小凤等名食荟萃;豪华大床+厨房+卫生间+大飘窗窗,让您既享自由,又得便利;室内设备设施一应俱全;宽带已连接,并配备巨幕投影。您还能借阅作家房东自己创作的小说,希望您能度过每一个轻松快乐的夜晚。 A complete of apartments with 1 large rooms, which under the Canton tower by the pearl river, with a full-view of the river and excellent high-rise views, Canton tower and twin towers standing in front of you, just go downstairs. The bay window allows you to enjoy abundant sunshine and pleasant breeze. With independent kitchen, bathroom, all equipment and facilities could be offered. I provide free broadband network. Also, can borrow the novel written by the landlord. I just wish you can enjoy a relaxed and happy night spent in my house.   我们为您准备了品质洗浴用品、干净毛巾、拖鞋,提供VIP式服务,还配备全套中西餐具、炊具,让您远在异乡仍能享受居家烹饪之趣。 We offer you with high quality bath products, clean towels, slippers, Vip-style service be provided, Also equipped with a full set of Chinese and western tableware, cooking, so that you can still enjoy the fun of home cooking also complete set of Chinese and western tableware and kitchenware ,so that you can enjoy the home cooking in a foreign country. 房间位于广州核心商圈,与琶洲会展中心仅10分钟车程。仅需3分钟可步行至猎德地铁站,妇幼保健院、美领馆/高德置地/K11/北京路上下九/歌剧院,均可步行15分钟到达。是来粤旅行、工作、参展、学习、访友的理想住所。 The apartment is located in the core business district of Guangzhou, adjacent to sun yat-sen university, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou tower, Canton fair and Wuyang new city, Go south can quickly reach to the Changlong tourist resort, It is an ideal place to travel, work, exhibit, study and visit friends in Guangdong
4.6分整套 · 1室可住2~3人珠江新城/五羊新城商圈
  • 早鸟特惠
  • 天天特价
  • 连住优惠
  • 领券立减
  • 学生折上折
  • 超赞房东
  • 立即确认
  • 性价比高
  • 近地铁
  • 适合情侣
  • 寄存行李
  • 洗衣机
  • 免费取消
  • 可开发票
  • 投影
  • 有电梯
  • 方便停车
  • 极速退款
  • 高层城景
  • 允许做饭
  • 书桌
  • 冰箱
  • 自助入住
  • 观影
我们是一对作家及旅行达人,已经接待过全球100多个国家的客人,受到一致好评。我们希望能同样给您一段愉快的旅行。 We are a pair of writers and travel experts who have received guests from more than 100 countries around the world and received unanimous praise. We hope you will have the same pleasant trip. 高层阳光整套大公寓,特大双人床+厨房+独卫+CBD中的CBD。确保你独享私密又能与阳光微风作伴。 Sunshine independent apartment has a separate kitchen,bathroom, bay window to ensure you can enjoy enough privacy with sunshine and fresh breeze. 此房源户型有多套 以实际入住户型为准珠江畔珠江新城CBD核心区豪华大床房。广州塔、美国领事馆、广州大剧院、花城广场、广州金融中心近在咫尺;是珠江新城CBD中繁华地段。楼下美食酒吧街,2号唐厨,禄小凤等名食荟萃;豪华大床+厨房+卫生间+大飘窗窗,让您既享自由,又得便利;室内设备设施一应俱全;宽带已连接,并配备巨幕投影。您还能借阅作家房东自己创作的小说,希望您能度过每一个轻松快乐的夜晚。 A complete of apartments with 1 large rooms, which under the Canton tower by the pearl river, with a full-view of the river and excellent high-rise views, Canton tower and twin towers standing in front of you, just go downstairs. The bay window allows you to enjoy abundant sunshine and pleasant breeze. With independent kitchen, bathroom, all equipment and facilities could be offered. I provide free broadband network. Also, can borrow the novel written by the landlord. I just wish you can enjoy a relaxed and happy night spent in my house.   我们为您准备了品质洗浴用品、干净毛巾、拖鞋,提供VIP式服务,还配备全套中西餐具、炊具,让您远在异乡仍能享受居家烹饪之趣。 We offer you with high quality bath products, clean towels, slippers, Vip-style service be provided, Also equipped with a full set of Chinese and western tableware, cooking, so that you can still enjoy the fun of home cooking also complete set of Chinese and western tableware and kitchenware ,so that you can enjoy the home cooking in a foreign country. 房间位于广州核心商圈,与琶洲会展中心仅10分钟车程。仅需3分钟可步行至猎德地铁站,妇幼保健院、美领馆/高德置地/K11/北京路上下九/歌剧院,均可步行15分钟到达。是来粤旅行、工作、参展、学习、访友的理想住所。 The apartment is located in the core business district of Guangzhou, adjacent to sun yat-sen university, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou tower, Canton fair and Wuyang new city, Go south can quickly reach to the Changlong tourist resort, It is an ideal place to travel, work, exhibit, study and visit friends in Guangdong
4.8分整套 · 1室可住2~3人珠江新城/五羊新城商圈
  • 早鸟特惠
  • 天天特价
  • 连住优惠
  • 领券立减
  • 学生折上折
  • 全家出游
  • 超赞房东
  • 立即确认
  • 性价比高
  • 近地铁
  • 寄存行李
  • 洗衣机
  • 露台/阳台
  • 两室一厅
  • 免费取消
  • 可开发票
  • 投影
  • 有电梯
  • 方便停车
  • 极速退款
  • 允许做饭
  • 书桌
  • 冰箱
  • 自助入住
  • 观影
我们是一对作家及旅行达人,已经接待过全球100多个国家的客人,受到一致好评。我们希望能同样给您一段愉快的旅行。 We are a pair of writers and travel experts who have received guests from more than 100 countries around the world and received unanimous praise. We hope you will have the same pleasant trip. 高层阳光整套大公寓,特大双人床+厨房+独卫+CBD中的CBD。确保你独享私密又能与阳光微风作伴。 Sunshine independent apartment has a separate kitchen,bathroom, bay window to ensure you can enjoy enough privacy with sunshine and fresh breeze. 此房源户型有多套 以实际入住户型为准珠江畔珠江新城CBD核心区豪华大床房。广州塔、美国领事馆、广州大剧院、花城广场、广州金融中心近在咫尺;是珠江新城CBD中繁华地段。楼下美食酒吧街,2号唐厨,禄小凤等名食荟萃;豪华大床+厨房+卫生间+大飘窗窗,让您既享自由,又得便利;室内设备设施一应俱全;宽带已连接,并配备巨幕投影。您还能借阅作家房东自己创作的小说,希望您能度过每一个轻松快乐的夜晚。 A complete of apartments with 1 large rooms, which under the Canton tower by the pearl river, with a full-view of the river and excellent high-rise views, Canton tower and twin towers standing in front of you, just go downstairs. The bay window allows you to enjoy abundant sunshine and pleasant breeze. With independent kitchen, bathroom, all equipment and facilities could be offered. I provide free broadband network. Also, can borrow the novel written by the landlord. I just wish you can enjoy a relaxed and happy night spent in my house.   我们为您准备了品质洗浴用品、干净毛巾、拖鞋,提供VIP式服务,还配备全套中西餐具、炊具,让您远在异乡仍能享受居家烹饪之趣。 We offer you with high quality bath products, clean towels, slippers, Vip-style service be provided, Also equipped with a full set of Chinese and western tableware, cooking, so that you can still enjoy the fun of home cooking also complete set of Chinese and western tableware and kitchenware ,so that you can enjoy the home cooking in a foreign country. 房间位于广州核心商圈,与琶洲会展中心仅10分钟车程。仅需3分钟可步行至猎德地铁站,妇幼保健院、美领馆/高德置地/K11/北京路上下九/歌剧院,均可步行15分钟到达。是来粤旅行、工作、参展、学习、访友的理想住所。 The apartment is located in the core business district of Guangzhou, adjacent to sun yat-sen university, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou tower, Canton fair and Wuyang new city, Go south can quickly reach to the Changlong tourist resort, It is an ideal place to travel, work, exhibit, study and visit friends in Guangdong
4.8分整套 · 2室可住4~5人珠江新城/五羊新城商圈
  • 早鸟特惠
  • 天天特价
  • 连住优惠
  • 领券立减
  • 学生折上折
