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凯尔西夫妇在旧金山湾区拥有多套海滨民宿,以其优越的地理位置,创新大胆的设计,细致入微的服务,亲民的价格,名扬海外的中餐,吸引着全美和世界各地的游客,带着这些经营理念,豫见加州落户郑州。 这个高层三居室位于郑州核心地带,我们的宗旨是通过这个平台,建立一个中西方文化交流的桥梁,让来自世界各地的游客尽享中西文化的精髓。 地理位置优越,距离郑州东区CBD仅六公里,且靠近地铁3号线凤凰台站,令城市的每一个角落都轻松可达。无论您是来郑州观光还是商务出行,周边的河南博物院、动物园、中原福塔等景点,以及东建材市场、陈寨花卉和郑东新区CBD都将让您的行程更加丰富多彩。 民宿内部设施现代化,全套智能家电让您的生活便捷舒适,包括智能门锁、65寸智能电视、微波炉及智能卫浴设备,旨在为您提供中西合璧的住宿体验。 不仅是一次住宿,更是一次文化的探索旅程。我们期待您的到来,一同体验这个中西融合的精彩世界。 Welcome A boutique experience crafted by the Kelsey couple in the San Francisco Bay Area, now awaiting your discovery in Zhengzhou. Our property, a three-bedroom high-rise apartment located in the heart of Zhengzhou, is not only strategically positioned but also renowned for its innovative and unique design style, meticulous service, affordable pricing, and captivating Chinese cuisine. Our mission is to serve as a platform that bridges cultural exchanges between the East and the West, offering visitors from around the globe a deep dive into the essence of both cultures. Strategically located, just six kilometers from the CBD of Zhengzhou East District and close to Fenghuangtai Station on Metro Line 3, every corner of the city is within easy reach. Whether you are in Zhengzhou for sightseeing or business, nearby attractions such as the Henan Museum, the Zoo, the Central Plains Pagoda, as well as the largest building materials market in the Central Plains, Chenzhai Flower Market, and the CBD of Zhengdong New District, will make your trip more vibrant and colorful. The property boasts modern facilities with a full set of smart appliances for a convenient and comfortable stay, including smart locks, a 65-inch smart TV, a microwave, and luxury smart bathroom fixtures, all aimed at providing you with an unparalleled accommodation experience. Here is more than just a stay; it is a journey of cultural exploration. We look forward to welcoming you to experience the wonderful world of East-W
5.0分整套 · 3室可住6人未来路地区
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