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  • 性价比高
  • 金牌房源
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★★★这是一套高层望外滩、陆家嘴,景观很好的整套有隔断的双床房源,配置有高清投影和爱奇艺会员,让你能在舒适的大床上欣赏电影大片。我们提供品质洗浴用品、毛巾、拖鞋及精选床品,希望给到每位入住的朋友不止是舒适干净的居所,更希望是一种温暖的温度和回忆。 We offer you with high quality bath products, clean towels, slippers, selected bedclothes, also complete set of Chinese and western tableware and cooking utensils, so that you can enjoy the home cooking in a foreign country.We hope that my house it is not only a comfortable and clean house, but also can bring you a warm temperature and memory。 ★★★我们是一对作家及旅行达人,已经接待过全球100多个国家的客人,并受到了一致好评。我们希望能同样给您一段愉快的旅行。 We are a pair of writers and travel experts who have received guests from more than 100 countries around the world and received unanimous praise. We hope you will have the same pleasant trip. ★★★地铁口整套房源,高层视野好,城市摩登风貌尽收眼底,同时带来舒适安静的睡眠环境,飘窗让您尽享充足的阳光和惬意的微风,带独立卫生间,设备设施一应俱全;宽带已连接,并开通小米影视会员。您还能借阅作家房东自己创作的小说,希望您能度过每一个轻松快乐的夜晚。 A complete of apartments with excellent high-rise views, you can have a panoramic view of the modern city and enjoy a comfortable and quiet sleeping environment. The bay window allows you to enjoy abundant sunshine and pleasant breeze.With independent kitchen, bathroom , all equipment and facilities could be offered.I provide free broadband network. Also can borrow the novel written by the landlord.I just wish you can enjoy a light and happy night spent in my house. ★★★我们为您准备了品质洗浴用品、干净毛巾、拖鞋,提供优质服务 We offer you with high quality bath products, clean towels, slippers, VIP service, also complete set of Chinese and western tableware and cooking utensils, so that you can enjoy the home cooking in a foreign country.
4.8分整套 · 2室可住4~5人人民广场地区
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